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About Gnnnik

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  1. These people do not need to look over your shoulder, the card will be taken only to be collected by them later and with it your dough.
  2. I cannot believe these people are getting money for wandering around mental countries with no explanation? Shame the 7/7 dudes were not incarcerated.
  3. They are not as a direct consequence of ones mass. They are more linked to ones inactivity.
  4. I got my card consumed in a Lloyds bank about 6 months ago. Despite reporting it it was taken for £28K around Wembley area. My bank returned everything.
  5. The problem is that the medical profession need to justify their existence, being overweight is not a problem in itself. Your lifestyle is the problem. the crude measures are just that, crude ways of the medical profession scaring the doo out of you. To the mods I know what doo is - I presume you doo too, is it allowed to say these things and not what we actually mean?
  6. I went many years ago and I couldn't get anyone to understand that I was on A T E N O L O L. Jesus we're in trouble.
  7. I was at Hillingdon hospital one night about a year ago. I had a foreign nurse almost rip a line out of me because I asked for it to be taken out. It was there for continuous blood assessment but had somehow made its way out of my line and was surplus to requirements. I had a massive bruise as a consequence, it was nothing to me, couldn't wait to get out of the hell hole, but I'm sure it's negligence. Immigration the saviour of the NHS eh?
  8. What sort of person are you being sober on a night out?
  9. If you read the story many of those questions are answered for you. And you appear to also confuse religion and race.
  10. We are not islamophobic son we are bombophobic. Being blown up tends to smart a little.
  11. I think the likelihood, given his aversion to a man in uniform and his Asian origin, is that he is Muslim rather than Hindu, Sikh, Christian or Pagan.
  12. I try to claim nothing of the sort. I suggest that a taxi driver cannot get enough money to keep a large family in a house whilst wifey does not work. The stats support that benefits are claimed by a disproportionate number of certain groups within our population. People who hail from Pakistan and Bangladesh are two of the groups with the most striking findings. People of Somali origin are tops. http://www.poverty.org.uk/06/index.shtml
  13. No need for such alcohol outlets offering social intercourse, change in demographic and differential in price of alcohol between pub and super.
  14. Boy: I'm guessing that the taxi driver in question doesn't receive any more for 'free' than you or I. My piece of research questioned this assumption. You're guessing I offer research that questions your assumption. Of course this is a general piece of research related to wide categorisations, the hiding behind statements about individuals is dishonest. In general members of certain ethnic groups get vastly disproportionate amount of handounts.
  15. Is this true of the christians who won't let homosexuals stay in their hotel? Their hotel, surely they can choose who stays and who is not welcome? Seems the law thinks otherwise. Maybe so but at least they are not hypocrites. Whilst on that subject why do most of the convenience shops sell alcohol? Why do most of their sons hang around night clubs looking for young girls, whom they openly refer to as sl@ gs?
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