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Everything posted by KenH

  1. Well, firstly they didn't actually do anything, as they were a "deterrent". We don't actually know if they did any good or not. Secondly, if they did anything it was to sit on the tarmac waiting, in which case they can do that without the huge expense necessary to keep them flying. You might argue that they did some good during the Falklands, but this was simply a case of desperation since we had nothing else. However, I have nothing against spending money keeping the Vulcan flying, in fact I would like to see it flying. What I do have a problem with is the method of fund-raising, which seems to be one desperate "we need it today or the sky will fall in" event after another. My argument is simply that you can only get away with this sort of event a few times and then people either think they are crying wolf, or think they are throwing away money on something which will be in the same desperate straights again in a few months.
  2. Well, it is a hugely expensive aircraft to maintain, and it was never really important to British history. We need to use public money to keep aircraft such as the Lancaster flying because it is very important to Britain. But really I am perfectly happy with the Vulcan continuing to fly, but it's days are probably numbered. The sorts of appeals we have had from the very start eventually stop working and people see that eventually the money they have given will be wasted.
  3. I have a motorbike with a speedo in km/hr. However, it has a clear sticker over the top with MPH and this was enough for it to be registered in the UK, and for it to pass each MOT.
  4. Since this project started we have had numerous appeals along the lines of "send £X million by tuesday otherwise the aircraft will immediately burst into flames and kill some puppy dogs". At some point they just have to either get long term funding, or give up and put it in a museum.
  5. I would like to see an end to party politics in local elections. What we need are local people who want to improve their own area, not people interested in politics who want to practice on the town hall.
  6. You can call anywhere in the world from the UK. What you can't do is use the service while you, yourself, are abroad. I have used the Skype feature several times, but it seems to be a real pain getting a connection where I live, so I don't use it anymore.
  7. Why not change that to "Blimey, that is one of the schools I might consider for my child in a few years time, depending on how much it improves, and what other choices there are in Sheffield"?
  8. Don't be an idiot. I don't mean "no conspiracy theorists looking through their warped view of the universe, several years after the event just after watching some poorly made videos,expected it to collapse". I meant "any reasonable person watching a big aeroplane full of fuel hitting a tall thin tower at high speed".
  9. I have to say, that I don't normally ask at a garage when I want a simple battery. I normally shop around and then fit it myself. But really why bother doing everything if someone will fit it for you, it isn't worth getting your hands mucky.
  10. Is that this Nick:- http://www.carservicinginsheffield.com/ he just did a service and a clutch for me, I need a battery for another car and didn't know he did them?
  11. It's all very well having in-depth discussions about the direction air would move in, or whether fireballs would be inside or outside etc. But ........ A great big aeroplane full of fuel hit a building and set it on fire. What else did anyone expect other than it falling down?
  12. The problem is that there is an overall schools budget which won't change. Within that budget, if one schools gets enough money to give away free meals, then another goes short of something else.
  13. Before I start I should say that I have a degree in Software Engineering and my wife is a primary school teacher. I have no particular political problems with "free schools" and my own children are in a mix of boarding, independent and state schools. That said, I hope you either seriously reconsider what you intend to do, or your bid fails. There is a small place for ICT in schools, but many schools try to make up for boring teaching by adding ICT. In the case of primary schools, they need to write, to cut and stick, to model, to build and only occasionally use the computer. Your example of going and looking at a flower and then taking images, is simply daft. All they need to do is to look at the flower, draw it and write about it. If your schools get more money, which it must in order to provide free meals, then other schools will get less. It cannot make sense to give one school more money in order to provide free meals and to make children at other schools pay.
  14. I can highly recommend Nick at http://www.carservicinginsheffield.com Nick worked at Gilders until April and they seem to have lost their best member of staff. He did my car last week and was extremely helpful, honest and cheap. And, no, I am not Nick, before anyone suggests it! You can look at my 1000s of other posts to check if you like.
  15. I am not an expert on all this stuff, but I think you should make records of everything and record all conversations. Then write and tell him what he must do otherwise he can't have the child that day. If he doesn't like it he will need to go to court and you will appear reasonable.
  16. My daughter used to use the 51 bus and got really fed up with the Tapton children, so now generally prefers to either use another bus or walk further and get the tram.
  17. I have heard people complaining about the labour party having a postman in the cabinet, as if being a postman somehow means you should never be allowed to do better later in life. Now we have people complaining that someone can't do a good job if they are rich. Does this mean that MPs should only come from middle income backgrounds? Perhaps this will mean that all MPs should be fairly poor lawyers and accountants?
  18. Aren't they actually saying "if you are single and the state pays for your accommodation then we will only pay for a room in a house shared with similar people". What can be wrong with this?
  19. I don't think it is hard at all. When they are toddlers they couldn't care less about expensive stuff, and are just as happy with going on the swings and slides as anything else. What you probably want is somewhere where they can play while you can sit in the warm.
  20. Assuming that the above letter is genuine, then I am very surprised that they are allowed to do that. The normal situation is that, once you know you are in trouble, you really need to treat everyone the same, and not attempt to pay one supplier at the expense of another. Offering to pay a preferred supplier and saying that the others probably won't get anything, sounds very dodgy to me. On the bight side, when directors behave outside the law then they find themselves personally liable.
  21. If there really was a cover up then the powers that be must really love these nutjobs and their crazy delusional ideas. Every time they hear "special military thermite" they must roar with laughter knowing that, in the event they did have any involvement, they will never get caught. My own view, of course, is that they didn't have any involvement. However, let's say they did something a bit silly, such as helping members of Bin Ladens family to escape, then such an act would cause a massive scandal if it were the only accusation. All they have to do to hide such an act is to have a retired theology professor make a few bad videos and the scandal goes away.
  22. let's not forget that, as well as the fine, she has been banned from keeping a pet in a bin for 5 years.
  23. But surely they are all at Area 51?
  24. I used to be slightly sceptical, but now I have watched video and I am convinced. Clearly if someone can edit a video to show minor inconsistencies in a simulation, then this proves the towers were blown up by a combination of a) a 767 packed with explosives b) special super-secret previously hidden thermite c) industrial demolition charges hidden when the building was first built. I was very surprised when the building fell down (sorry - was brought down). When I watched the jets hit I assumed the buildings would immediately collapse, but they didn't and this really amazed me. It is nothing short of bizare, that someone could watch a huge aircraft hit a building and be surprised when it sets alight and falls down.
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