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About psalm8318

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  • Birthday May 14

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  1. you can see the results for yourself , man cannot rule himself
  2. to allow man free reign to see what would happen ,without his help ? yes
  3. This was my original post , i was only wanting some positive replies as to why people believe in God all i got was nasty comments from unbelievers ? can we get back on topic please ?? i only want personal experiences of faith not the angst of the unbeliever :@
  4. with regard to why humans die suffer disease and are allowed to cause suffering and problems this link may help http://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/bible-teach/why-does-god-allow-suffering/
  5. with the issue of creation the 2 brochures on the bottom right hand corner of the page in the link may help you look at the evidence for a creator http://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/?first=0
  6. we see micro evolution all around us but macro evolution is an unproven theory based on micro evolution thus the title : "the theory of evolution" not "the law of evolution" but back to my original question please why do you have a faith in God ?
  7. Any chance of some interesting positive replies all this angst is a bit negative and not really about the post , thanks
  8. Why do you believe in God ,you could be of any religion or faith , for what reason did you come to have that faith or what makes you believe in God ? for me it is everything you see around you ie/ from flowers to the universe , the earth and how finely tuned it is with a protective shield , a water cycle ,Photosynthesis, the air we breath , nature etc these cause me to believe someone must have designed them . also the human mind how we have a capability to think beyond what we see , think beyond death and even think about this subject .
  9. in time 8/10 one of the best i,ve seen in a while
  10. I think that would be reffered to as freedom of speech , i think the ambushing would be illegal though personally i dont hang around churches on christmas day
  11. You are free to your opinion ,have you ever visited a Jehovahs witness convention such as at Elland road ? if you do you will see the fruits of applying the bibles teaching in everyday life
  12. you can order a copy at your local kingdom hall free of charge it only encourages good morals and respect for parents and God , something sadly lacking in the part of yorkshire i live in among children and youths
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