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About mad-dad

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  1. Too right. When I had prostate woes I had trouble clearing my toecap, so sitting was the best option. Leaning right forward till my forehead was against the wall behind the bog was about the only way I could hit a bullseye standing up. I only sit down when I need both hands free to eat my sandwich these days
  2. Because that's what we called her usually
  3. Probably due to demand, generated by the mindless hordes who worship 'influencers', 'social commentators' and any of the other plethora of nonsense that these people have rivetted their minds to, who find these 'personalities' easier to follow and relate to Hackey
  4. Fred Dibnah Guy Martin The bloke who invented chip 'n' cheese butties J K Rowling
  5. I remember my mom back in the '50s playing hell with me for leaning on walls when in town. "I'll mek thi wesh it thissen if tha dunt stop rubbin thi coit ont bloody walls."
  6. A flag dissected horizontally, pale blue above, dark green below with the 'horizon' line dipping towards the centre to form a 'bowl (valley)'. Within this 'bowl', a flame (yellow) held in cupped hands (one white/one brown)
  7. Someone on GBNews explained how to identify a fake Ist class stamp. Three main features are: (1) The barcode in a real one is (slightly) uneven in texture while the portrait etc is smooth (2) The background of the portrait in a real one has "ROYAL MAIL" written across it in wavey lines, visible when light reflects off it (3) The value - bottom left - has the roman numeral 'I' and the 'S' fully within the detachable security oval with the 'T' fully outside
  8. I only told them that to throw them off. Err ....... I mean ......... Bit warm in here int it! ☹️
  9. Fish fingers x2, mash that tasted of nuts and a handful of greenish catapult ammo. Loved Fridays 🤢 Semolina ............ nuff said Spam, chips and a baked bean The kid with the bad cough, sitting opposite you ........ eating his sago ........ almost! Never had it so good 😆
  10. Of course we came high up on the 'polite' list. What other city has two professional football teams that are kind enough to let the opposition win on a very regular basis .......... not try to beat then like the nasty selfish folk on t'other side ot' Pennines. 🙂
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