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The Belly

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About The Belly

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  1. Kids as a rule don't get drunk if they can help it.
  2. You obviously feel that peeing in the street is the right thing to do.
  3. The problemis that your parents bring you up to think you can just whizz in the street when you want. Well good parents if I can say so.
  4. You obviously think 3rd world to make a statement like that and it still remains today that third world thinking allows third world parents to dangle their kids over kerb side grids instead of toilets. If people like you are happy to face fines in the future for allowing your kids to pee freely all over the streets as they obviously do, then expect the consequences you dirty person. The rest of us will not meet your expectations, we are clean. You keep your kids above a drain, it seems to me that that is all you know and you don't understand what a British toilet is meant for?
  5. I can't believe it but I saw a few children being held over grates on the kirbside while they did their business. I think its disgusting that parents allow this to happen or even train their kids in this way. No wonder the youth wee on cenotaphs or any other remembrance structure. We have toilets in the 1st world and we should be forced to use them even if parents don't agree with it.
  6. To let them out early is the wrong message to send out. You know as well as I do that a nine year stretch for murder or raping a child equates to half the term automatically so why say nine years? Its even less if you take into account good behavior and "re-rehabilitation." Do you honestly believe you can change a paedophile? What would you say if the victim wanted the perpetrator to swing? Where exactly would your defence be in your philosophy in such a circumstance?
  7. Just out of interest to people, google "the third way Blair" and the Guardian is of the same mind set. The more you delve, the more you will see and understand why this government lied to us all and didn't give us the referendum they promised us on the Lisbon treaty. Nothing to do with the Lisbon treaty but here is a start of the beginning of your understanding of the third way politics in Britain today or the building blocks of communism: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/3595595/Truth-lies-and-Tony-Blairs-third-way.html
  8. I tend to disagree about the right to life being fundamental for cold blooded killers and paedophiles but you already know that from my earlier comment. I asked earlier why we should house and feed this vermin and this is your response? Okay, its your opinion but I guarantee one thing: If its you or one of yours that is attacked by one of these so called reformed and released animals, then I think you may change your mind, assuming you would not want to inflict such an animal on someone else in the future? Its all well and good meaning to have these soft liberal views but you merely give a green light to vermin such as I have mentioned and absolutely no reason for them to not to commit the crime in the first place.
  9. Your attitude makes it easier for these people to commit such crimes. I do wonder why you would want to house and feed such vermin and then turn them loose on society once again?
  10. I honestly think it should be re-introduced for murder and paedophiles.
  11. Ah! we all know that in a recession crime has a habit of climbing, especially burglary and this governments response to this is to cut the police budget?????
  12. I read the Times and the Telegraph and the Mail. I don't bother with the likes of the Guardian because you can predict it before you read it, just like this present Marxist government.
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