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About Hammerstein

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  1. Not just a little bit bitter and twisted are you.....?
  2. Don't give up your day job - if you have one.
  3. Oh dear. You aren't doing yourself any favours are you -your post is very telling. It is you who seems unable to debate and listen to others opinions. Why not just get back on topic and discuss the poor planning for parking and dropping off at Midland station?
  4. Daven has always been a valued member of the SF community with his knowledge and understanding. You seem to be a very unhappy individual who seems spoiling for an argument. From previous conversations on SF I know that Daven is none of the things you are accusing him of being. Calm down mate.
  5. She will need an incident number for insurance purposes anyway. Hope your daughter is ok.
  6. Why do you need to know ? How is that relevant ?
  7. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=stealth+fighter+pictures&view=detailv2&&id=013D5ECF2036E07974D8E26C4A7E8995E56EFCF8&selectedIndex=10&ccid=fJl0qtDK&simid=608041214283091428&thid=OIP.M7c9974aad0cafd36e6c25f8ad1f3cf23H0
  8. Get a grip man - we are talking about a few TREES being cut down ! It really is not that important ! Drag yourself into the real world and smell the coffee !
  9. I don't remember the incident but on searching the indexes have found Jacqueline and Jill Page born 24th Feb 1959 (mothers maiden name Tinker ) - both died in December 1971 in Louth Lincolnshire. Hope that helps.
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