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  1. The only sign-age I noticed is just before the hotel. Even GSM does not show any sign-age until you approach Novotel. The road makes it clear only the left hand lane is a bus-gate until you approach Novotel. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.3780814,-1.4691968,3a,75y,60.29h,80.54t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sEKulNoVwhIw7VN34uqXerw!2e0!5s20221101T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu The answer is simple. Lets make these £5 Million pound rackateers illegal. https://www.thestar.co.uk/business/arundel-gate-sheffield-bus-gate-divides-opinion-4406205
  2. The only sign-age I noticed is just before the hotel. Even GSM does not show any sign-age until you approach Novotel. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.3780814,-1.4691968,3a,75y,60.29h,80.54t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sEKulNoVwhIw7VN34uqXerw!2e0!5s20221101T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  3. For obvious reasons I do not venture into Sheffield City Centre unless it is absolutely necessary. Unfortunately yesterday was one of those days I was driving along Arundel Gate and just past the roundabout is now a bus-gate? Because of a coach blocking the hotel u-turn i had to reverse back into the crossing to manoeuvre onto other-side of the road. This planning is beyond absurd. The new architecture in all cities is mostly appalling. But those apartments on Pinstone Street are IMO the most hideous. I'm all for trying new wacky designs but these monstrosities!? Who in their right would approve these? I was defensive of the council when they bulldozed an old Victorian pub. Now I see why so many folk wanted to save it.
  4. the newspaper's source is from Centre-For-Cities. A well respected research group used by urban-planners. https://www.centreforcities.org/press/governments-infrastructure-revolution-is-not-enough-to-improve-transport/ https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/41122/pdf/ Still waiting to hear who all these Leeds folk are envious of Sheffield's tram system.?
  5. the newspaper's source is from Centre-For-Cities. A well respected research group used by urban-planners. https://www.centreforcities.org/press/governments-infrastructure-revolution-is-not-enough-to-improve-transport/ https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/41122/pdf/ Still waiting to hear all these Leeds folk are envious of Sheffield's tram system.?
  6. There is plenty of other options but that isn't the point. Dangerously parking in a cycle lane over the pavement and on a corner is never acceptable.
  7. In the video they're young, hooded and black which some folk do find intimidating. But I did not hear any of them raise their voice or swear? All I can hear is them ask if her parking so obstructively is acceptable.
  8. In the video they're young, hooded and black which some folk do find intimidating. But I did not hear any of them raise their voice or swear? All I can hear is them ask if her parking so obstructively is acceptable.
  9. The council may have been able to do more and save this building but TBF.... https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-upkeep-and-repair-of-historic-buildings/the-upkeep-and-repair-of-historic-buildings there is an abundance of old Victorian pubs and most do not have special architectural and historic interest.
  10. Poor public transport costing Sheffield £2.3billion a year https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/poor-public-transport-costing-sheffield-22045790 The tram system is beyond a joke. It only covers a fraction of the city and holds up traffic, buses and is a major dangerous obstacle for cyclists . Who are these Leeds folk envious of Sheffield's tram system ? Sheffield geography and location is also an advantage not an hindrance.
  11. Thanks for all your posts. Yes city centres change. Yes physical retail is dying everywhere. However this is why Sheffield has a head-start! Because it's NEVER had a great retail offering. It has a very few listed buildings. This is a blank canvas to do something original and different.
  12. Why does posting on old threads bother you? Or is it something else been exposed which irks you.... Even a blind-person can see the dangers. If you believe parking in a cycle lane and pavement on a dangerous corner on a busy city street is acceptable and causing no obstructions, then you should not be driving either.
  13. Sheffield lags so far behind many other UK cities and towns in almost every measurable area, planning, innovativeness, transport, museums, urbanism, pocket-parks, architecture, new businesses start ups, street-art and so on.... Whom, why and what do think makes this town so far behind other places? On the plus side though Sheffield City Trust appear progressive, Sheffield's westerly suburbs are interesting and it's close proximity to the peak district is appealing.
  14. Its impossible to prove where beggars money is actually spent. However, I do believe almost all beggars are begging for drugs. I'm not judging them, but whilst ever you are facilitating an addiction there is little motive to seek help and get clean.
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