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JFK Anniversary

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Tomorrow Saturday 22nd November will mark 40 years since JFk was shot and killed.


I want to know if anyone here is old enough to have any memories of this time?


Do people think the world was changed for the worse?


Admittadly I don't know enough about JFk, I would be pleased to read other people's views on this man and his death.

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He tripled the US nuclear arsenal.


He brought the world to the brink of Nuclear Confrontation (along with Khruschev).


He was shot with a bullet that had a mind of its own.


He was off his head on pain medication a lot of the time.


He may have been assassinated because of his attempted rapprochement with Castro, which was discontinued by Johnson. By whom I have no opinion, but probably not LH Oswald.

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I'm looking forward to BBC 2's documentary on Sunday. Should be worth watching.

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I wasn't around at the time of his death but I am of the following opinion.


He is dead.

He did things whilst he was alive

It doesn't matter how he was killed it isn't going to help him now.


Moon Maiden

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If you ask most Americans, particularly those who were with Kennedy, thus have lived through the generation since the assasination, they will say that there was absolutely no justification for this tragedy. JFK, did resolve the conflict over the missile crisis through diplomacy with the Soviet premier, as opposed to using force (in contrast to now) even though there were those then who did advocate bombing the sites in Cuba and which most certainly would have invited the response which he (and his brother Bobby in desperation, sought to avoid). America had it good then. The issues appertaining to civil rights were at the forefront and ready to be signed in to law. Without JFK all this, for which he felt for dearly was set back. The subsequent war in Vietnam was againt his

intention. As was the making of any war...."We all do live on this planet together" .

All the talk of conspiracies are levelled at a man who, if he'd lived on, would have made the world into a far better place, in terms of safety and well-being. There would not have been the necessity for the subsequent and catastrophic waste of resources which the arms race brought with it. The USA and the USSR were at the point of joint intentions because Kennedy, for his vision, came to be liked and respected. He was so more than any other politician the world has seen. To accuse the US of conspiring does not hold water. It depends what is meant by conspiracy. If you look into Oswald's past you'll find that not only was he a highly skilled marksman, ex-marine, etc. but also a man who carried a deluded notion of how things should be. He tried to collude with the Cubans and the Soviets who dismissed him as an insignificant, but dangerous fool. The President should not have been made vulnerable, but he was. The only conspiring was Oswald's attempts to colluded in deluded ways, with those whom he understood little of but assumed were superior.

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Did anyone else watch the BBC documentary last night? While I thought it was very well put together and very convincing, I was disappointed that some evidence was not taken into consideration. For example there were witnesses to say they saw and heard shots fired from the grassy knoll, yet they hardly mentioned the grassy knoll at all. All the same, I do now believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, and there was no conspiracy involved, but I'm sure that this is what the programme set out to do.

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