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Personal stereos, how bad will it get, and will there ever be a backlash ?

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Whilst sitting on a train next to someone with a personal stereo (which I could hear, therefore it wasn`t ,technically, a personal stereo....) this kid in the seat opposite, with his mother I may add, started listening to some tinny music on his mobile phone. I felt like bleedin` screaming. But this noise pollution seems to be getting worse and worse. It`s even getting to the stage where some people actually think we have no right top expect silence, as in no tinny music...

How bad will it get ?

Will there ever be a backlash ?

How can I encourage the latter..........

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I dunno, but I hear the Northern General A&E Department is holding training sessions entitled:


"The Correct Proceedure for the Removal of Rectally Situated Personal Music Devices...".

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Ugh, I'm also tired of constantly having to listen to peoples' loud music from their cell phones. I'm just hoping it goes the way of the "boombox" in the 80's. Unfortunately, it does seem to be a symptom of a larger issue of disrespect and lack of consideration for others.


I don't think you should be afraid to ask someone nicely if they wouldn't mind turning it down just a bit. IMO, just speaking up reminds folks that not everyone is OK with it. I've been met with a "f*** you" a few times, but it's worth it to me.

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You have to use a personal stereo on the bus these days to drown out the muppets yelling into their mobiles and the chavvy mothers who can't control their screaming kids!

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I've learned to block it out. It's not difficult. Just think about bigger things... like the size of the universe or "what is time?" or "if a tree falls in a wood, and nobody is around to he........OH WILL YOU SHUT THAT ****ING TINNY DIN UP YOU LITTLE ****!!!!!!!"

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One of the few advantages of being deaf, I can simply turn my hearing aid down, or even off, when I come across these situations.

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I dunno, but I hear the Northern General A&E Department is holding training sessions entitled:


"The Correct Proceedure for the Removal of Rectally Situated Personal Music Devices...".


I just want to add that it got there totally by accident ... I was just getting out of the shower when I slipped ... etc etc



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Read an article today about the EU making manufacturers putting a max decibel limit on personal music players etc.

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I have no idea why some people object to the relatively little noise personal stereos make, and take it as a personal affront, as though their rights trump those of the person to listen to their stereo.


If we go down that route, we should ban cars for the noise they make, can't get away from it.


itsjust like back ground music in restaurant and shops, i think it is great and why stereo are fitted to cars

Those people who complain are unemployed and have nothing better to think about

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It would be tolerable, but these knuckleheads listen to things like...


Ere me now... bom-di-di-di-di-bom-di-di-bombastiastiasticalastica, rippety rip rap rap rap rippety, rikee-rikee-re-re-wind.....wind-re, come dawnce wiv me.


M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh M-tsh.


Bob's your mumcle bungle bashin' logical lyrical wax that cynical casual minimal, bom-bom-booty-bong-brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-b-b-b-b-b-rian blessed.

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Whilst sitting on a train next to someone with a personal stereo (which I could hear, therefore it wasn`t ,technically, a personal stereo....) this kid in the seat opposite, with his mother I may add, started listening to some tinny music on his mobile phone. I felt like bleedin` screaming. But this noise pollution seems to be getting worse and worse. It`s even getting to the stage where some people actually think we have no right top expect silence, as in no tinny music...

How bad will it get ?

Will there ever be a backlash ?

How can I encourage the latter..........


What you need is a mini EMP, fire that and all the annoying electronic devices will go silent (just make sure you carry a lead box for any of your electrical devices you dont want to kill)


Disscussions here:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071210041957AA7fmne

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