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Children viewing lads mags in newsagents

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Oh for Pete's sakes. Give over.


I'm assuming that the people who are so aghast at this terrible corruption of our youth have never been outside of the country? Maybe you should try visiting, spain, maybe?S

But then, of course, all the nudity and erotica freely on display in Spanish newsagents, garages, supermarkets, terrestial tv etc, has turned the Spaniards is a raving crowd of sex lunatics, so you're probably right - best never leave sheffield. Burn the newsagents.

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Oh dear, it doesn't take long does it, for people to descend into personal insults, which I find very boring. Lots of assumptions that I've never travelled, don't answer my kids' questions, let them pick up magazines etc etc.

I was actually quite interested to know people's opinions. But I think I have the measure of it now. I can't be bothered. Thanks to posters who replied with thought, either for or against.

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Besides, these lads mags don't have full frontal gash on display on the cover. The maximum they can get away with is a topless women with her nipples covered, though I'm not sure what's so disgusting about nipples anyway. :huh:



Neither am I sure what's erotically arousing about them, but vast numbers of men find them to be precisely so - evidently, or the magazines wouldn't get increased sales by putting them on the cover.


So the question still stands - should we be exposing our children to erotically-arousing material?

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Well, if the kid find it erotic, then they are old enough to look at it.


If they don't (which they wouldn't at 5) then it doesn't actually matter whether they look at it.


That's a valid argument in a world where people flip instantly from being innocent pre-pubescent children into full-blown adults. Unfortunately, our world isn't that one.

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What is the problem, most guys tried to get a look at girly pics when they were young me and the mates used to make a game of it. So I don't see why the kids today should be any different to what we all were.

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