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About Nankypoo

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  1. A ranger told me there are plenty of mink in Atterclife on the canal and Don . This came as a result of me asking where all the rabbits that I used to see on the canal bank and on the field at Woodbourne Road had disappeared to this was also why there used to be water voles in the Don and canal and aren't any more. Well done those animal rights activists
  2. So far this week ...New desperate levels of inanity that Toby on his return, needs to descend to ,in order to maintain the new even lower standards of amateurish garbage.
  3. They obviously were not that all good at the anti aircraft stuff. http://www.picturesheffield.com/frontend.php?keywords=Ref_No_increment;EQUALS;s01002&pos=6&action=zoom&id=4824
  4. Grey Horse Correct it was a William Stones pub This photo just misses it. But it's interesting to see the houses on Don terrace http://www.picturesheffield.com/frontend.php?keywords=Ref_No_increment;EQUALS;s19727&pos=28&action=zoom&id=22261
  5. Driving south over tinslet viaduct at about 12.00 today, a peregrine heading north on level with the barrier pursued by 3 black headed gulls. I checked the dashcam footage to confirm but it's not worth posting
  6. The answer to youth crime is more simple than we may think, .....soft drinks , 45 ,s table tennis, pool an occasional kick about ,and with luck a snog behind the building. Stabbings among the youth will instantly cease , thoughts of making huge sums of money from drug dealing will dissappear with the appearance of a table tennis bat At least this is the answer according to many politicians and the Guardian. It must work 'cos I went to youth clubs an never stabbed anyone or sent kids across the country with drugs. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/mar/11/violence-gangs-youth-clubs
  7. For the genuine article regarding watch repairers, for the repair of older mechanical watches and better quality ones there is a real eccentric gentleman in a Dickensian front room in the middle of Bawtry, well worth the trip for cherished older watches. Reasonable charges. He doesn't rush mind. There also a quality watch repairer working from home in Wickersley, nearer but he could charge for England. I'll get details for anyone interested. https://www.google.com/search?q=harold's+watch+repairs+bawtry&oq=watch+repairs+bawtry&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0.12086j0j8&client=tablet-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fid=0x487909dbe915b131:0x32d8a11c2e06705c&fpstate=luuv&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipPJAQyt_R5PljWRRRlr6t6k8kiebWETFfcWsOlI&viewerState=ga
  8. Because my car doesn't have a digital radio, I used to keep having to alternate between Toby Foster, Chris Evans and John Humphreys as they were all super egotistical @ %$£'s .I'm now restricted to Foster and Humphries because I just cannot bear the inane giggling whimpering and inanity of the simpering Zoe Ball.
  9. The Crown is unfortunately a little bit what could be termed "On the other side of the road" and was and still may open as "The Crown"
  10. The Universal , by the Small Faces, Do it again The Beach Boys , Fire Arthur Brown and Goin' up country by Canned Heat take me back to La Fav and great times.
  11. If he were white, of a similar age, education, behaved the same, dressed the same, treated his office the same, was as " cute and whacky" would he still be as lovable and cute in the eyes of all you fans ?. Somehow I think not
  12. This poor women must bear some responsibility. I bet at no time during the attack did she mention inviting them and their parents round for a cup of tea and a chat to help with integration and ultimately discover that deep down inside we really are all the same.
  13. It was the only thing that helped me through the blitz and having to hear George b...... Formby and Gracie Fields.
  14. 1940's for me, Powdered egg, rickets, red hot shrapnel flying around, Flanagan and Allen on the radio, ladies legs that tasted of gravy powder, handing out white feathers, plus the anticipation of seeing a banana. Happy days
  15. Buzzards generally have light markings on the underwing. The last and most northerly raven I saw was at Carsington reservoir near Matlock about 2 years ago.
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