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    Lovely Leitrim

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  1. There is a school of thought (supported by research to a point) which says that women who have been brought up in violent or abusive households tend to end up in abusive relationships, in much the same way that children of alcoholics tend to end up with alcoholic partners.
  2. It also has a deep-rooted fear and dislike of women. I wonder if a priest would have been excommunicated in the same situation?
  3. LOL In our house, husband pulling his weight in the housework department not only reduces the risk of divorce, it also reduces the risk of my wringing his neck.
  4. I haven't been here for a while and I see nothing has changed in my absence. It should come as no surprise that a society which can bay for the blood of an 11-year-old can produce an 11-year-old so badly damaged as to be capable of this type of offence. The whole thing is profoundly depressing.
  5. These are some of the poorest people in the Western hemisphere. They desperately need medical assistance, clean water, shelter and food.
  6. Of course it doesn't add up. The case remains unsolved. Nobody has been proven guilty of any charge. Anything we may say is merely conjecture.
  7. What exactly is a secular religious establishment?
  8. Hadn't you heard of Northern Ireland then?
  9. First we had Gerry Adams's dirty family laundry being aired, now this. What's next? Paisley a transvestite?
  10. And if all the Muslims left, who would you attack then?
  11. In his TV interview the other evening Peter Robinson looked as if he had tears in his eyes; apparently there was something stuck in his iris. Sorry.
  12. Motorcycle helmets wouldn't last then? Poor motorcyclists. Still, at least they'd be easier to identify.
  13. Politicians did not arrive by parachute. They are elected by the people to rule in their place. If you want things done differently, vote differently. Its called democracy. In this case I believe the majority would not want to criminalise burkha wearers.
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