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About just_words

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  1. Rich people buy things and need services too, they also need as many people as possible to make money so that they can take their percentage...
  2. Yes on all points, quite widely discussed in various circles.
  3. But the rate it is growing has diminished some because we haven't been borrowing more to dig ourselves out, and for that we are in a slightly better position than most. But we couldn't carry on with the communist style public sector that Labour had given us... And hey, we can always deflate... But now we are leaner and meaner, the only way is up (unless we have loads of strikes about getting more money, you know that stuff we ain't got any of as you succinctly pointed out!) P.S. Not so sure about the third world territory and you know it!
  4. I was surprised at how many door steps were demolished by rioters to be used as missiles...
  5. Our repayment size is getting smaller because we are tightening our belts instead of spending more. Greece is making things worse for themselves in the real world because they keep on striking and worsening the economy even further. If they were to get out of the EU monetary thing, they could deflate their currency and in their own economic bubble everything would be virtually hunky dory!
  6. No, that's not what he said! He clearly stated the act of smoking cannabis, not the act of breaking the law. Hi Hal
  7. I'm not a dealer and gave up smoking pot years ago because of having to associate with scummy criminals. But you should care, otherwise things will only get worse. Don't just jump to conclusions like you did with your friend!
  8. So your jumping to conclusions without most facts...
  9. You've just defeated your original argument... are you stoned?
  10. I'd also vote for the banning of face coverings like the one in your avatar!
  11. And did he 'only' do pot? Hippies are well know for their LSD usage... Never mind considering the effects of life!
  12. Someone should start a poll to see if you'd vote for a (mainstream) political party just on the point of legalisation!
  13. I believe you will need to wait until the case is closed, but I can't find reference, so, get in touch with Citizens Advice, ring the Police, they'll give you the number...
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