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About Jpeters

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  1. I'm fairly sure that if a corby could earn his juicy 6 figure slay without breaching the cap, nurses and doctors would also be fine earning what they do.
  2. Do you have any evidence of this? The evidence I have seen (world happiness reort 2016)highlights a strong postie correlation between wealth and happiness. All of the top 10 countries are European, save Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The highest country that falls below the average GDP of the world is Guatemala, in poisition 39. The only countries in the bottom 50 of average or better GDP is South Africa, Bulgaria and Gabon (none of which are wealthy). The bottom "rich" country is Greece at number 99. Corbyn is dangerous, more dangerous than Trump.
  3. Left wing odd ball Jeremy Corbyn has suggested today that there should be an arbitrary earnings limit, conveniently in excess of his six figure salary. This is dangerously naive in economic terms. Should this man be in control of the nation's opposition? This is the kind of rhetoric that drunk students spout. Does anyone on here think Corbyn is right on this one?
  4. You make a good point, but you miss something far worse. Many, many people fail to contribute more to society than they take out. Did you know that the millions of people in this country who earn below about 30k a year are actually net detractors from society (in a financial sense)? It is these people that are the problem. I am a net contributor so it is not me that causes public services to be underfunded. In fact, it is solely because of people like me (and you) that these public services exist at all. So, please don't bite the hand that feeds the people.
  5. I don't find it that hard to believe. I would imagine that the receptionist has low levels (if any) of medical training. What if they made a mistake and sent someone away who had say a headache, but that person later died. The NHS would be sued.
  6. Have those tests happened yet happy daddy? If not, find out how much it would cost to get them done privately.
  7. I think you go too far there mate. Some useful things have been secured by unoon in the past. However, I don't believe in the right to strike. We are becoming a nation of moaners. If you don't like your job, hand your notice in and find a better one. Don't moan and bring other people down with your negativity.
  8. If you have ever applied for anything other than a low level job, you will have noticed that the salary is always "negotiable" or "dependent on experience". In these interviews, it is very common that the interviewer will ask you for your "salary expetations". With regards to publicly decaring undecared trading, I am well covered thank you. In the highly unlikely event that there was any HMRC lurking on here, they would have no contact details for me anywhere. I am lucky enough to have done well on Poker, and it has indeed enhanced my life. With regards to being a troll, I didn't anticipate at all the reaction I got. All I meant to do was comment on how it would be difficult for me and others to declare all our sources of income.
  9. Evidently not much. If someone wants to employ me, I take what I think I am worth and double it. I say to them, I will work for you for X amount, if I am lucky they agree. If not, we negotiate.
  10. I'm not self employed no, though I probably should be. It would enable me to pay even less tax as I would claim a lot of expenses back.
  11. I didn't predict it was a Muslim at all. The statement was accurate.
  12. There are legal ways to avoid paying tax. As a high earner you should know this.
  13. Where on earth did you get that from? Strawman arguments are terrible form. You owe me an apology. Yes it is evidence. I can accept that the reliability of the evidence is in question, but it is evidence all the same.
  14. I wouldn't mind thinking of myself as a thief at all. I am not a thief however, I am possibly a tax evader, which is different. Theft is taking someone's belongings with the intent of permanently depriving them of it.
  15. I've never said he was. I asked at the binning whether this was related is Islam or not. There is a link to Islam, he has been watching jihadist videos. We don't yet know what part that has had to play in his motivations.
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