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About retep

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  1. Makes you wonder what those Irish soldiers died for. https://www.historyireland.com/de-valera-hitler-the-visit-of-condolence-may-1945/
  2. He obviously didn't have his first pint in the Black Swan you needed five more to get rid of the taste.
  3. Time for our politicians to pick up their guns and lead from the front lines--stop sending other peoples kids to die.
  4. Don't tell zem pike, "Germany accused of ‘flagrant abuse of intelligence’ for revealing British help in Ukraine" https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/british-soldiers-in-ukraine-germany-b2504462.html
  5. retep


    Futile result.
  6. This one, https://nationalworld.newsprints.co.uk/39663593-winchester-house-fargate-sheffield-with-the-paige-fashion-store-and-lovells-confectioners-june-1960/
  7. The wedge failed this time, it'll try again with a thinner edge.
  8. Until the next professional says he can be let out.
  9. Try here, https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/pub/data/weather/uk/climate/stationdata/sheffielddata.txt
  10. "Women raped by Hamas were found with nails driven into their thighs and groin and were passed around by terrorists who slaughtered them after or even during gang-rape, horrifying new witness accounts of October 7 reveal" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12909695/Women-raped-Hamas-nails-driven-thighs-groin-passed-terrorists-slaughtered-gang-rape-horrifying-new-witness-accounts-October-7-reveal.html
  11. It's a good job thi common sense kicked in cuttsie.
  12. Don't take a dart board on a inflatable some one is always going to say lets have a game.
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