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They went back to school on 6th Sept. now they're on holiday!!

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Arrgh! What is the point? Kids just get settled into the routine of school life and they drop a half term in.


So I now have a week of finding something for them to do. We so far have going to the woods, making halloween costumes and the museum on the list.


Any suggestions (free if possible)

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a little late, but there's still some around - take them out looking for conkers (endcliffe park?? avoid the cafe unless you expect ot buy ice creams though).


yorkshire sculpture park? where else in the world can you watch bemused as your children enjoy learning about henry moore?


take them to robin hood's bay - hours of fun clambering on the rocks. then hours moor fun trying to retrieve the lost trainer that's just out of reach.

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All fab ideas babychickens but Im a sad and lowly lone parent with a tram pass. No car access. :)

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I think the train can probably get you to some of those destinations if the tram can't.

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Graves Park has a number of wood sculptures to walk and find and they're pretty cool, and while you hunt you could do a treasure hunt for certain items and an 'interesting box'. Perhaps as suggested - a conker, a red leaf, a green leaf, a yellow leaf, a seed of some kind, a stick to make an autumn mobile out of etc etc.

The interesting box has any item which gets their attention in it during the week, a stone, a leaf, a brochure etc.

Get extra leaves and use paper and crayons to make multicoloured rubbings.

Take a blanket and some string and make a den and take a flask of soup and sandwiches for an autumn picnic.


Another day = lots of cardboard boxes from the supermarket and some tape to make a huge car or house or rocket in the lounge or garden. Then paint it if you can. Or use smaller household junk to make a city or a space statiion or a castle for them to use with plastic action figures.


Halloween costumes with household items and a few £land bits.


Halloween themed cooking - there's loads of fun recipes online, take them to the supermarket with a list each or a picture list printed online and they have to find the items then bake the food with them. Then bring it all to me to eat!!


Millenium Galleries, the gallery on the top floor of the central library, the Weston Park Museum.

Go to HIllsborough library and see if the local history thing is still on and show them all that.


Feed the ducks at any park with a pond.


Print colouring pictures online and then create a collage on a safe wall in your house using something wallpaper or paint friendly to put them up.


If there's a dry day buy some £land giant chalks and let them draw on the path or pavement or side of the house, it'll go when it rains again.


Have a look if the Park Rangers are doing anything for SCC.


Hmm - come to the playscheme I'm working on?


Let me know if you do any of these, they sound fun to me. Might use a few of the ideas during playscheme next week.

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Picnic, the mining museum, i think thats free

westin park museum


pumpkin making

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